AcidChem Weighing and Metal Detector System

Integrated Automated Weigh Checking and Metal Detection for Palm Oil industries

AcidChem is an established leading local manufacturer of fatty acid and glyserine from palm oil. When they need an automation data automation solution for their bulk bagging line to complete their ISO14001 accreditation process, they look none other than Luvotech. Their existing bulk bagging line employs stand-alone check-weigher and metal detector. Production data entry and results documentation are manually done which is tedious and human error prone

Our customized PC-based data automation solution provides the critical data acquisition from the check-weigher and metal detector to the PC. Weigh results and metal presence/absence data are then integrated and compiled by our Manufacturing Efficiency Software into lot trace-ability information which is one of the most critical requirements of ISO14001 accreditation process- Data Traceability. On top of this, Our powerful Human Machine Interface ensure error free lot set-up process by the operators. Ethernet connectivity enables real time production information remotely accessible by engineer anywhere, anytime.

If you have any question about Luvo-iDAMiS, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Mr. KV Lim: (6) 012-492 2918 or E-mail to